Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Being a bum is not a curse, sometimes it is our destiny (to say the least). Well, I am one (not really a bum cause I’m studying). To be a bum at this time of your life is quite courageous. You are in your mid-20S and you don’t have a job, this is the time when you should have started saving for your future, your family’s future. The time to grab every opportunity that comes your way to earn money. To plan your career, your whole life.

Being a bum has its own pros and cons. Let’s check first the pros:

1. You get to learn something you’ve been wanting to learn all your life.
Learn to play any musical instrument, drums, guitars, violin. At least you will be a head turner at the office if an opportunity arises to unleash your talent.
Go back to an old hobby of yours. Poem writing, song writing, writing a journal. Its the time to reflect and enjoy things that you have neglected because of your busy work sched.

2. You get to see places you’ve never seen before.
We all have places that we are dying to see all our life but sad to say, we are tied down to our busy scheds at the office.
Visit relatives and friends that you haven’t seen since who knows when

3. Never ending movie marathons
Huuuuuhhh!!! Rent a DVD of the movies that you’ve missed because you are too busy meeting completion dates of your boss.

4. Sleeping late, Waking up late
Nothing compares to late night conversations, late night news and late night sleep ( at last, payback time!!!!)

But then again, there are its CONS:

1. You have no money left to spare
You do have money but the question is for how long will that money last. I bet it wont last until you have your back pay with you. With all the tech stuff popping everywhere, its a curse not having any money.

2. You can’t ask for money
You definitely have the nerve of asking your mother for some cash (hehehehehe)

3.You cant hang-out with your friends whenever,wherever.
Because of one freakin reason THEY HAVE JOBS, and YOU DON’T.

Well, don’t let the pros outweigh the cons. You know what to do when your broke. Find a job!!!


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